@lay:4421l2 Listing 2. Irix Makefile #! smake <\<>-- which make program to use SHELL= /bin/csh<\n> MKDEPFILE = Make.depend<\n> MKDEPOPT = -MDupdate $(MKDEPFILE) TARGET = INCDIR = ${ARSI_INCLUDE}<\n> LIBDIR = ${ARSI_LIB} VPATH = .. SRCS = OBJS = $(SRCS:.c=.o) INSTALLED_HDRS = ${INCDIR}/baseline_arsi_msgs.h <\\><\n> ${INCDIR}/baseline_bsfv_msgs.h <\\><\n> ${INCDIR}/baseline_m113_msgs.h <\\><\n> ${INCDIR}/baseline_m1a1_msgs.h <\\><\n> ${INCDIR}/baseline_m1a2_msgs.h <\\><\n> ${INCDIR}/baseline_m2_msgs.h <\\><\n> ${INCDIR}/baseline_hemtt_msgs.h <\\><\n> ${INCDIR}/baseline_hmmwv_msgs.h <\\><\n> ${INCDIR}/atas_msgs.h <\\><\n> ${INCDIR}/baseline_ae3_msgs.h <\\><\n> ${INCDIR}/applique_msgs.h <\\><\n> ${INCDIR}/baseline_fscs_msgs.h CFLAGS = -c -fullwarn -ansiposix -g -I$(INCDIR) $(MKDEPOPT)<\n> LDFLAGS = -g<\n> LIBS = -L$(LIBDIR) -lc # There is nothing to do by default. To be<\n> # consistant in usage with all the other makefiles,<\n> # <\#34>make installheaders<\#34> must be used to copy<\n> # these headers up to the ARSI_INCLUDE directory.<\n> all: install : installheaders : ${INSTALLED_HDRS} $(INSTALLED_HDRS) : $$(<\@>F) <\<>---- <\#34>$$(<\@>F)<\#34> filename<\n> cp ../$(<\@>F) ${INCDIR} works on SGI, not gnumake<\n> chmod 644 ${INCDIR}/$(<\@>F)<\n> clean :<\n> -rm -f $(TARGET) a.out core *.o *~* *.bak<\n> -rm -f *.o<\n> -rm -f *~<\n> -rm -f *.bak<\n> lint :<\n> <\@>lint -I$(INCDIR) $(SRCS)