LJ Archive CD

Resources for “Building Your Own Live CD”

Daniel Barlow

Issue #132, April 2005

Resources for the print article.

debconf: www.kitenet.net/programs/debconf

El Torito: www.phoenix.com/resources/specs-cdrom.pdf

Hotplug: linux-hotplug.sf.net

In addition to the packages installed in the target chroot, the following Debian packages were installed on the host. If you're using another distribution, you may have to experiment to find equivalents: apt-proxy, debootstrap, cloop-src, cloop-utils, kernel-package, busybox, dietlib-dev, syslinux and mkisofs.

Our Motivation: web.metacircles.com/cirCLe_CD

The Software Described in This Article: ftp.linux.org.uk/~dan/livecd

SYSLINUX: syslinux.zytor.com

VNC: www.realvnc.com

LJ Archive CD