LJ Archive CD

Table 1. RoHC Requirements

Focus                        Requirement

Performance                Must provide low relative overhead   under expected operating conditions.

IPv6 or IPv4               Must include support for both IPv6 and IPv4.

Ubiquity                   Must not require modifications to existing IP, UDP or RTP stack.

Cellular Handoff           Must be supported in an  efficient manner. All fields must be made  transparent to the process.

Integrity                  The compression/decompression   must be loss-less.

Error Propagation          Error propagation due to header compression should be kept to an  absolute minimum or avoided.

Delay                      Header compression process must not contribute significantly to the system delay budget.

Packet Loss                The preference is that the header compression algorithm is as independent as possible to packet loss rate.

Media supported            Must function regardless of media type in RTP payload. In general, there is no required knowledge of payload.

Call Type Independence     Must function for mobile-to-mobile and mobile-to-POTS calls.

LJ Archive CD