LJ Archive CD

Table 1. Text to Be Loaded to MySQL Table

Cho Chikun  Otake Hideo 1980-08-13  W+R   gosei80_3.sgf
Otake Hideo Cho Chikun  1980-08-27  B+R   gosei80_4.sgf
Kato Masao  Otake Hideo 1981-07-08  W+6.5 gosei81_1.sgf
Otake Hideo Kato Masao  1981-07-16  B+R   gosei81_2.sgf
Kato Masao  Otake Hideo 1981-07-28  B+R   gosei81_3.sgf
Kato Masao  Otake Hideo 1981-08-03  W+2.5 gosei81_4.sgf

LJ Archive CD