LJ Archive CD

Listing 2. Sample from the Start of the File

#Remove all comments for this listing to make it work properly
lang en_US #Setting the default language to US English
network --bootproto static --ip hostip --netmask -gateway ----nameserver<\n>
#This should be on a single line
nfs server --dir /RedHat #Specifying the NFS source path
device ethernet rtl8139 #Specifying the Ethernet adopter
keyboard us #Keyboard type is set to US
zerombr yes # This is to reset the MBR of the Hard disk-only for fresh disks
clearpart --all # Deleting the partition table can be --linux
part /boot --size 50 # a boot partition of 50Mb part swap
--size 256 # swap of 256Mb
part / --size 3000 --grow #a root partition of 3GB grows to fill the disk
install #option that we are doing an install and not an upgrade
mouse genericps/2 --emulthree #mouse type
timezone --utc Asia/Karachi
xconfig --server "SVGA" --hsync "31.5-48.5"
--vsync "50-70" rootpw yourpasswd
auth --nisdomain UGL2.ee.uet.edu.pk --useshadow --enablemd5
lilo --location mbr #location of lilo

LJ Archive CD