LJ Archive CD

Listing 1. khellotw.cpp

#include <qkeycode.h>
#include <kmsgbox.h>
#include <kstdaccel.h>
#include "khellotw.moc"
KHelloTW::KHelloTW (void)
    We'll get the standard KDE accelerator key combinations from this.
  KStdAccel *kkeys=new KStdAccel(kapp->getConfig());
    Create the pulldown menus for the menubar.
  file = new QPopupMenu ();
  file->insertItem ("&Quit", this, SLOT (slotQuit()), kkeys->quit());
  help->insertItem ("&About KHello...", this, SLOT (slotAbout()));
    Set up the menubar.
  menubar = new KMenuBar (this);
  menubar->insertItem ("File",file);
  menubar->insertSeparator (); //This \
        //pushes the Help menu to the far \
        //right when KDE is in Motif widget mode
  menubar->insertItem ("Help",help);
    Set up the toolbar.
  toolbar = new KToolBar(this);
  QString buttonpicture;
  buttonpicture =
  toolbar->insertButton (QPixmap (buttonpicture.data()),0,
          SIGNAL (released()),
          this, SLOT (slotHello()),TRUE,
          "Press this to say hello");
    This label will fill the rest of our window
    (the part not occupied by the menubar or toolbar).
  label=new QLabel (this);
  label->setFont (QFont ("Helvetica",24));
  label->setAlignment (AlignCenter);
    Tell KTopWidget about our menubar, toolbar, and label.
  setMenu (menubar);
  addToolBar (toolbar);
  setView (label);
    Drag and Drop.  URL's can be dragged from KFM
    and dropped onto our QLabel. The URL will be
  dropzone = new KDNDDropZone (label, DndURL);
   connect (dropzone, SIGNAL  (dropAction(KDNDDropZone *)),
   this, SLOT (slotDropped (KDNDDropZone *)));
void KHelloTW::slotQuit()
void KHelloTW::slotAbout()
  KMsgBox::message (this, "About KHello",
"KHello\nCopyright (C) 1997\nBy David Sweet\n\
void KHelloTW::slotHello()
  label->setText ("Hello world!\n");
void KHelloTW::slotDropped(KDNDDropZone *dz)
  QString url;
  url = dz->getURLList().first();
  label->setText (url.data());
void KHelloTW::closeEvent (QCloseEvent *)

LJ Archive CD