LJ Archive CD

History and More Information

Qddb was first developed in 1989. It was a very useful tool, however, the user interface was rather crude. At the end of 1993, we began development of the current nxqddb. Now, the Tcl/Tk graphical interface to the database, called the Fx toolkit, provides programmers with an easy way to customize the appearance of the database screens. Qddb's Tcl interface allows a programmer to write custom scripts, and the Hx toolkit is designed for building web-based databases.

Since 1993, Qddb has acquired a very large user community worldwide. Many commercial and personal applications are in production, and the users enjoy the ability to easily access their data in almost any form they please. A few of the applications in use include point-of-sale, accounts receivable, payroll/timeclock, genealogy, data analysis, photograph maintenance, recipes, address books, client contacts, automated grade books, bibliographies/abstracts and our veterinary clinic management system (Faunix).

LJ Archive CD