LJ Archive CD

YODL's Macro Files

The macro files that are needed by YODL's converters are placed by default in the directory /usr/local/lib/yodl. All post-processors are also in this directory. Once you have YODL installed, take a look at the files there. The file shared.yo implements commands for all conversions, while one separate file exists per conversion (e.g., html.yo) that defines the specifics for the given conversion. Furthermore, a sub-directory called “chartables” holds character conversion tables for each format. The macro files are a good place to start looking when you want to see how the internals of a converter work. More details are described in the documentation.

If you want to experiment with the converters by writing a new one, make sure that the new converter implements all the commands of the other converters. For example, each converter must define a bf macro to be compatible with the other converters. Just edit shared.yo and follow the examples; it's not that hard.

LJ Archive CD