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Here are some Java and Java-like virtual machines and compilers that are being used increasingly in the design of Linux-based smart devices and embedded systems:

Chai Appliance Platform (HP): www.hp.com

GCJ, the GNU Compiler for the Java Programming Language (Red Hat): www.redhat.com

Embedded PERC 2.2 Java-Compliant Environment (NewMonics): www.newmonics.com

intent Java Technology Edition (Tao): http://tao-group.com

Java 2 Platform, Micro Edition—CDC (Sun Microsystems): java.sun.com

Jbed Micro Editon CLDC JVM (esmertec): www.esmertec.com

The Jeode Platform, Java Technology for Embedded Linux (Insignia): www.insignia.com

JRun, Embeddable J2EE-Compatible Java Application Server (Macromedia): www.allaire.com

JTime, a Real-Time Java Virtual Machine and API (TimeSys): www.timesys.com

Kaffe, an Open-Source Java Implementation (Transvirtual Technologies): www.kaffe.org

VisualAge Micro Edition (IBM Object Technology, Inc.): www.embedded.oti.com

Waba, an Open-Source, Java-Like Platform for Small Devices (Wabasoft): waba.sourceforge.net

Wonka, an Open-Source Embedded JVM and Class Library (ACUNIA): wonka.acunia.com

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