LJ Archive

Mobile Computer Web Resources

Two surveys of video chipsets are maintained on the web to help people determine what chipsets a particular notebook uses. One is maintained by Darin Ernst at http://www.castle.net/~darin/notebook_video_chips.txt. The other is maintained by David Fox at http://galt.cs.nyu.edu/students/fox/notebooks.html. For those seeking XF86Config files ready to use, several notebook families have been thoroughly documented on the web and can be accessed from the Linux Laptop Home Page at http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/kharker/linux-laptop/. In addition, a new project by David Ludwig, the Linux Configuration Page, is available at http://www.hal-pc.org/~davidl/linux/linux.config.html, and is designed to allow users to donate their XF86Config file and other information to help others more easily configure their systems.

LJ Archive